
Monday, November 27, 2006

Delusions of Grandeur

Well, after seeing all of Joe's posts I figure that it should me my turn too. So in response to the last post by Joe...
Don't worry I'll figure out your Theory of Everything (TOE) dreams. That's what I am here for! You just keeping looking at your Cosmology business and I'll take care of the rest. Yes, yes you might say that I am having delusions of grandeur but I figure that you need to start somewhere, right? Unfortunately, I still don't understand anything but the first few pages of Polchinski so I have a long way to go. It is really amazing to me how much there is to learn. I wish I had more time and less homework so that I could do some new physics (and for that matter, Mathematics too).
I think I better stop there otherwise I might start complaining, and most everyone who knows me has heard my rant about just wanting to do research! Hopefully this summer I can find myself a very cushy String Theory research internship. That will set me straight. So I will sign off and start looking for those internships!

1 comment:

  1. Jared Said:
    "Don't worry I'll figure out your Theory of Everything (TOE) dreams. That's what I am here for! You just keeping looking at your Cosmology business and I'll take care of the rest."

    And for my next post I will have to make some predictions of where everyone will be in 20 years. Don't worry Jared, I have you down as the Nobel Laureate for J-Theory. It is the Theory which string and M-Theory merge and has several names: Jared-Theory, Jedi-Theory, Ja-Bomb-Jiggadi-Theory and Hey-Jay-Whatcha-Cooken-in-the-Kitchen?-Theory. You may laugh at that last one but truth be told it will make more sense when Jared publishes his first paper on the subject. You all know for a theory to be valid it will have to be one crazy one.


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