
Monday, September 21, 2009

Colbert on the Milky Way's Mass Estimates

At the January meeting of the American Astronomical Society a group of radio astronomers announced that the Milky Way was about 50% more massive than previously thought. Stephen Colbert, possibly the greatest comedic mind of our time, got wind of that morsel of news and here's the result (Warning: May cause scientists to fall out of their chairs laughing):
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Little Victories - America's Galaxy Is Big
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Protests


  1. Nick, that was funny. I about died when he made reference to Andromeda's apparent magnitude. :)

  2. « the Milky Way was about 50% more massive than previously thought »
    With all the milk which is dumped by some Europeans, it is possible :b .

  3. Thanks, I needed that.

    I might also add that our Milky way also has a couple of smaller galaxies (large and small Magellanic clouds) that have been pulled in, JUST LIKE the Andromeda galaxy. In your face, Andromeda!


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