The intolerance of these protesters amazes me. These whack-o's seem to think that because most of America is monotheistic, there is something morally wrong with a polytheist offering a prayer in the Senate. Most Hindus, just like most Christians, most Jews, and most Muslims believe in a moral code that promotes peace, moral behavior, and kindness - all things we should want more of in this country. From a governmental standpoint, we shouldn't care what brand of religious philosophy (or lack thereof) leads people to do good so long as it leads them to do good. I personally feel that the government should encourage all moral religions (that excludes groups like Christian and Muslim extremists or cults) because in my experience all moral religions that I have experience with help people to become better. Sure there are extremists who make religion look bad, but for the most part, religion has improved the morals and lives of those it has touched.
I say let Hindus, Buddhists, Native American religious leaders, and any other moral religious figures pray in the Senate. If their belief in their God or Gods leads them to do good, our nation could use more of it.
More on this incident can be found in articles by the Washington Post and the Times of India.
I couldn't agree with you more Nick. Extreme Fundamentalism is a terrible thing. We humans need to spend more time figuring out how to love each other, not find reasons to attack each other.